Page 25 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
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Transversal Programmes
Translational Research Programme
The CIBER-BBN - Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos forum on medullar injury was arranged. Studies and progress were presented in such areas as neuropro- tection, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, neurorobotics, neuroprosthetics, transplants, neu- ro-repair and new devices for neuro-rehabilitation. Associated research topics and potential cooperation between both organisations which could result in pro- jects addressing clinical applications were identified.
Three cooperation projects in respiratory pathologies have been got under way along with CIBERES and the Fundación SEPAR. These three projects, which are to be undertaken throughout 2015 and 2016, are respec- tively focussed on measuring stress in patients sub- ject to mechanical ventilation, the use of nanoparticles as systems for releasing drugs for treatment of my- cobacterium tuberculosis, and on the use of micro-CT technologies for the evaluation of 3D vascular struc- ture in animal models of COPD.
CIBER-BBN has continued to be an Interested Party in the Committee for Advanced Therapies (CAT) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and constantly in- teracts with the Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios (AEMPS) to obtain advice and assessment in different aspects of legislation con- nected with intramural projects and the scientific work of the CIBER-BBN in general.
Each of the intramural projects in the course focusses on a particular pathology. More specifically, the diseas- es tackled by research done at the CIBER are: oncolo- gy (11 projects), neurological diseases (8), infectious diseases (7), diseases of the skeletal muscular system (5), implants (5), cardiovascular diseases (4), respira- tory diseases (3), ophthalmology (3), chronic diseases (2) and rare diseases (1).
Training and Qualification Programme
The CIBER-BBN training programme seeks to in- crease the research skills of the staff in the groups by improving the professional competence of the technical and research personnel as a factor for change, transforming the attitudes, knowledge and skills in accordance with the needs arising through- out the progression of their research activity.
The main initiatives in the CIBER-BBN training pro- gramme are support for initiation to research and aid for mobility.
The aim of these “launching” grants is to cover the transitory period from the final stage of master stud- ies to when the resolution comes out in public calls for pre-doctorate grants or other career paths which mean employment opportunities for the recently qualified.
Two calls were held in the months of July and Oc- tober 2015. Limitations to contracting researchers as a result of the economic situation and the con- tainment of salary volumes meant that both calls for grants came out for young researchers to join for a period of six months (unlike past calls, in which the support lasted for one year). The number of appli- cations has been very high in each of the calls due to the interest aroused in the research groups by these grants. A total of 18 grants were given to the candidates with best academic records and whose proposals coincided most closely with the priority research lines of the CIBER-BBN.
CIBER-BBN I Annual report 2015 I 25