Page 22 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
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Scientific Programmes
As far as the area’s scientific programme is con- cerned, 25 scientific articles have been published in journals of great impact with the results stemming directly from the work done in the 18 intramural pro- jects from the Nanomedicine area.
We should stress that the funds obtaining for carry- ing out some of these projects came from national and international publicly-financed calls. It should thus be pointed out that the following research pro- jects have obtained external financing:
• PENTRI (Personalized nanomedicine for triple neg- ative breast cancer stem). The project focusses on the treatment of triple negative breast cancer, with three CIBER-BBN groups taking part in this (Dr Ibane Abásolo, Dr Esther Vázquez and Dr Mir- iam Royo), which have obtained funding from La Marató on TV3 television channel, in its edition for the fight against cancer.
• NANOMETS (Drug nanconjugates and nanovesicles for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer). The project focusses on the treatment of met- astatic colorectal cancer, with four CIBER-BBN groups participating in this (Dr Ramon Mangues, Dr Antonio Villaverde, Dr Ramon Eritja and Dr Jaume Veciana). The project, which is coordi- nated by Dr Mangues’ group, has also obtained financing from La Marató on TV3 in its edition for the fight against cancer and from the call for excellence projects of the ISCIII. Funds have also been obtained from the AGAUR agency for valori- sation and transfer of its results. This project also forms part of the COST action entitled “Chemical Approaches to Targeting Drug Resistance in Can- cer Stem Cells”.
• NANOXEN (Xenopus Tropicalis as a platform to test light-regulated drugs with applications in nanomed- icine). This project uses Xenopus Tropicalis as a platform for testing the toxicity and efficacy of drugs/molecules. On a nationwide scale, financ- ing for this was obtained from the RETOS Re- search call. In the field of international calls, the project has been awarded with a Marie Skłodows- ka-Curie action from the H2020 programme and it also receives financing through the ERA-Net EraSynBio. It has lastly also been financed by the FET Flagship Human Brain Project (HBP).
It is noteworthy that two of the junior CIBER-BBN re- searchers working on said project have received fi- nancing in parallel for undertaking the project in the call for R+D+I projects for young researchers.
The following events and congresses connected with the nanomedicine area were attended:
• CLINAM 2015 (European Foundation for Clinical Nanomedicine). Basle (Switzerland), 29th June – 1st July 2015. The CIBER-BBN and the ICTS NAN- BIOSIS were introduced at the event in both an oral presentation and in poster format.
• Annual meeting of the ETPN (European Technol- ogy Platform of Nanomedicine). Dublin (Ireland), 14 – 15th October 2015.
• X Conferencia Anual de las Platforms Tecnológi- cas de Investigación Biomédica. Madrid, 24 – 25th March 2015.
Lastly, the LIPOCELL transfer project was selected as part of the ENATRANS initiative of the ETPN, to participate at a session with the Translational Advi- sory Board to analyse the state of the project from the regulatory standpoint. This meeting took place during the annual sessions of the ETPN, and was defended by one of the researchers of the project and by the manager for the nanomedicine area. The project was selected to go on to phase II of the initi- ative, which will take place during 2016.
The programme’s scientific production consists of 286 publications (articles, reviews, editorials and let- ters), with 80% in the first quartile and 38% in the first decile. As for patents, four international patents and one Spanish patent have been applied for, with three national patents being granted.
22 I Annual report 2015 I CIBER-BBN

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