Page 105 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
P. 105
Research groups
Most relevant scientific articles
GONZáLEZ G., JIMéNEZ-CARRETERO D., RODRIGUEZ-LóPEZ S., KUMAMARU K.K., GEORGE E., ESTEPAR R.S.J. ET AL. Auto- mated axial right ventricle to left ventricle diameter ratio computation in computed tomography pulmonary angi- ography. PLoS ONE. 2015;10(5).
DEL VILLAR C.P., BERMEJO J., RODRIGUEZ-P’CROSSED D., MARTíNEZ-LEGAZPI P., BENITO Y., ANTORANZ J.C. ET AL. The role of elastic restoring forces in right-ventricular filling. Cardiovascular Research. 2015;107(1):45-55.
SIMOES R.V., ORTUNO J.E., BOKACHEVA L., CANDIOTA A.P., LEDESMA-CARBAYO M.J., DELGADO-GONI T. ET AL. Effect of acute hyperglycemia on moderately hypothermic GL261
A new framework has been proposed for the anal- ysis of multi-scale cell dynamics that enables to quantify automatically mechanical patterns from in-vivo images in a non-invasive way. It has been ap- plied to obtain valuable insight about the organiza- tion and scales of the mechanical interactions dur- ing embryo development. Such a characterization will help to improve mechanical models and contrib- ute to understand the complexity of embryogenesis. This work has led to a PhD thesis defended in 2015.
In the field of neuroimaging, an evaluation frame- work has been proposed to evaluate existing meth- odologies to correct magnetic susceptibility arti- facts in diffusion MRI data, including whole-brain realistic phantoms. An image segmentation and registration method to enable processing in the na- tive space of diffusion MRI data has been proposed. The work contributes to the understanding of the impact of distortions on brain connectivity analysis and it has led to a PhD thesis defended in 2015.
mouse glioma monitored by T1-weighted DCE MRI. Mag- netic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medi- cine. 2015;28(2):119-126.
DING H., FERNáNDEZ-DE-MANUEL L., SCHAR M., SCHULERI K.H., HALPERIN H., HE L. ET AL. Three-dimensional whole- heart Three-Dimensional Whole-Heart T2 Mapping at 3T mapping at 3T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2015;74(3):803-816.
PETITJEAN C., ZULUAGA M.A., BAI W., DACHER J.-N., GROS- GEORGE D., CAUDRON J. ET AL. Right ventricle segmenta- tion from cardiac MRI: A collation study. Medical Image Analysis. 2015;19(1):187-202.
New methodological approaches for the analysis of pulmonary images have been developed. They include an automatic method for the separation of arterial and venous trees in CT lung images as a tool for the clinical study of cardiopulmonary diseases. It has been validated with synthetic phantoms and real images, and has led to a PhD thesis defended in 2015.
Two new research contracts have been signed with
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Fundación madri+d para el Conocimiento. One has the aim of developing a fast and cheap non-invasive neutrophil test for lymphoma patients and the other is to detect Parkinson’s disease by analyzing typing patterns.
Our international patent, jointly developed with Mas- sachusetts Institute of Technology and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, on determining the prognosis of patients suffering from pulmonary embolism has been licensed to IMBIO LCC, a medical imaging soft- ware company located in Minneapolis (MN, USA).
Institution: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid · Contact: ETSI Telecomunicación · Ciudad Universitaria, s/n. 28040 Madrid · Tel.: 91 336 68 27 · E.mail: [email protected] · Website:
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